Internet Consumer Behavior & Analysis

Looking back over my class on Internet consumer behavior & analysis, I realized that my goal for this class was a little vague. My goal was to learn how to inspire my customers to action and then be able to track and show why it worked or did not work. I feel like this goal was met easily, but I also think that I learned a lot more and will be able to apply it professionally.

One of the biggest takeaways from this class was learning about consumer behavioral targeting and how you can personalize content to the visitor based on previous visits to help increase the conversion rate on your website (Web Marketing Today, 2007). Another thing that I felt was incredibly helpful was learning how to group customers according to their lifestyle (activities, interests, opinions, etc…) through psychographic segmentation (Market segmentation, 2010).

These two things will be of great use in a professional setting since they are practically the foundations of data collection in Internet marketing. Figuring out how to market to someone something that they are actually interested in is far more effective than throwing the kitchen sink at them hoping that something will stick when most likely all that will happen is anger for throwing a sink at them. They also probably won’t ever listen to anything else you have to say in the future.

The thing that I always hated about commercials is that they always seem to be interrupting whatever I’m doing. But by using psychographic segmentation and consumer behavior targeting, it’s much less intrusive and much more interesting. People actually start paying attention and don’t feel so alienated due to inapplicable advertisements.


Market Segmentation. (2010). Retrieved from

Web Marketing Today [webmarketingtoday]. (2007, August 30). Behavioral targeting interview with Darren Johnson [Video file]. Retrieved from